Social Media Screening in Recruitment
YouGov revealed in 2017 that a huge 36% of UK Employers rejected candidates based on their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn profiles.
According to a 2018 CareerBuilder survey, 70 percent of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process, and about 43 percent of employers use social media to check on current employees. It is very common practice among recruiters and employers so here are our tips on what you can do to ensure you don't lose out on a job because of your social media activity.
Candidate social media profiles can be looked at by the employer, the recruiter, a professional screening agency or a combination of the above.
Usually, a recruiter will look into a candidate’s social media history in the pre-interview stage, well before any formal vetting commences. Once the employer receives the applications from the recruiter, they too may decide to search for the applicants on social networks
Managers look at social media accounts for an array of reasons, but many employers want to make sure a candidate will be a good fit with their company.
1. What employers DO NOT want to see on your social media!
What you post on social media could have serious repercussions on your professional life. It could cost you your current job or job opportunities in the future.
Inappropriate language Illegal or offensive behaviour
Discriminatory comments related to race, gender, religion, etc Information that contradicts that on your CV
Defamatory posts written about previous employers
Drunken photos...
2. Screen your own social media
Delegate some time to thoroughly scrutinize your social media pics/posts old & new. Go through your photos & posts and 'Un-tag' yourself or delete any that are inappropriate. Think to yourself... "Would I be happy to show my employer this post/photo?"... If the answer is NO then delete it.
3. Set them to Private!
Internet content lasts forever, and while privacy settings may protect your accounts from some threats, nothing will ever be truly private. Review your privacy settings. Make sure you know exactly what’s visible to the public and consider this in any future activity. If you do not want to make your profile private then make sure it represents you in a favourable way.
4. Use social media to your benefit
Most employers are looking for a reason to hire you. They want to see your great personality, your creativeness, your wide range of interests and how you would fit into the company culture. Social Media is great for measuring this as your 'profiles' offer a real insight into who you are.
Share content that is both relevant and interesting to your industry and keep up to date with industry leaders. This will show potential employers that you have a genuine interest in your field.